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SkaterAid: News

2013 Band Auditions Open

BAND AUDITIONS are now open for SkaterAid 2013.

We are looking for raw talent - no gigging experience necessary. - just a passion to play. All band members must be 18 or UNDER. All genres will be considered. Bands will play for charity, donating time and talent to SkaterAid and the Brain Tumor Foundation for Children.

SkaterAid Auditions: Info and Requirements:
1. Your audition is considered a commitment to appear. You must be able to perform at the SkaterAid event on Sunday, September 29 in Decatur, Georgia between 2-7pm.
2. SkaterAid is a teen event. Band members must be 18 years old or younger. All band members are expected to secure parental agreement and support for their appearance at SkaterAid.
3. Full sound support will be provided at the event.
4. SkaterAid bands will be featured in publicity including local newspapers, magazines, posters, flyers and t-shirts sold at the event. Bands will be provided with a limited amount of publicity material to distribute to their fan base.

How To Enter:
1. Deadline for submissions: July 8, 2013
2. Submit an MP3 of your work by the deadline to . Please put SKATERAID AUDITION in the subject line.

Web links will not be considered. You can also send or bring a CD to:
Guitar Decatur

One sample per band only, please. If your CD contains more than one song, please indicate a single song that you would like us to consider for your audition. Samples cannot be returned.
3. Supply the name of your band, names and ages of band members and the instruments each plays, and the name of your school(s). Be sure to supply an e-mail address and mobile number of a primary contact for your band
Judging Process
1. Bands will be chosen by an impartial selection committee through a blind listening process – no names or information about band members will be presented to the panel.
2. All bands will be notified of their status by July 29. If your band is selected you will be required to sign an agreement committing to perform at the event. Alternate bands will be selected in the event that primary bands are unable to appear due to an emergency. Alternate bands must also sign an agreement.

SkaterAid 2011 by Cinebot!


Paste Magazine has now chosen the winners of SkaterAid 2012 band audition! We've got an awesome lineup this year. See our Schedule page for timeslots.

SkaterAid 2012 will open this year with a set from NEON BLANK - a talented duo from Renfroe Middle School. Paste Magazine calls this band "Amazing!"

Fresh from a sold-out gig at the Fox Theatre where they opened for the B52's, Already Taken will take the SkaterAid stage by storm with a set of "tightly constructed, well-executed songs." 

Next, we'll hear from a talented group of musicians called My Homework Ate My Dog. If you haven't caught them at the Hard Rock Cafe, the LEAF festival or on the intown festival circuit, now's your chance to check them out. 

Finally, we'll finish out the night with our fantastic headliners for 2012 - The Caste Outs. Paste Magazine says of The Caste Outs..."Great vocal style, catchy songs and a ton of passion in their playing!" Don't miss this remarkable band at SkaterAId 2012!

This year's event will be same time, same place, but we've got some exciting surprises in store as always. If you are an artist or a musician, be sure to check our Event Info page for information about how to contribute a piece of art to our annual auction or to audition for a slot on the SkaterAid stage.

2011 Posters Are In!

Thanks to Ross Brandt at Coil Media! Combining strengths in print, multimedia and broadcast, Coil's partners have worked successfully with clients such as Time-Warner and the Cartoon Network.



Kickflip Sponsor ($200-499) Entitles donor name to appear on SkaterAid website and Facebook page

Air Walk Sponsor ($500-899) Entitles donor name to appear on website with link and promoted on SkaterAid social media outlets. Included on stage banner.

Beni Hana Sponsor ($900 and up) Entitles donor name to appear on all SkaterAid publicity materials, including t-shirts, posters, stage banner and website. Acknowledged at event from stage and promoted on SkaterAid social media outlets. 

Call For Bands!

SkaterAid Auditions are currently being held for bands to play the 8th annual SkaterAid festival in Decatur, Georgia. We are looking for raw talent – no gigging experience necessary – just a passion to play. All genres will be considered. Bands will play for charity, donating their time and talent to SkaterAid and the Brain Tumor Foundation for Children.

SkaterAid Auditions: Info and Requirements:
1. Your audition is considered a commitment to appear. You must be able to perform at the SkaterAid event on Sunday, September 30 in Decatur, Georgia between 2-7pm.
2. SkaterAid is a teen event. Band members must be 18 years old or younger. All band members are expected to secure parental agreement and support for their appearance at SkaterAid.
3. Full sound support will be provided at the event.
4. SkaterAid bands will be featured in publicity including local newspapers, magazines, posters, flyers and t-shirts sold at the event. Bands will be provided with a limited amount of publicity material to distribute to their fan base.

How To Enter:
1. Deadline for submissions: July 8, 2012
2. Submit an MP3 of your work by the deadline to . Myspace links will not be considered. You can also send a CD to:
SkaterAid Auditions
1006 East Ponce De Leon
Decatur, GA 30030
One sample per band only, please. If your CD contains more than one song, please indicate a single song that you would like us to consider for your audition. Samples cannot be returned.
3. Supply the name of your band, names and ages of band members and the instruments each plays, and the name of your school(s). Be sure to supply an e-mail address and mobile number of a primary contact for your band

Judging Process
1. Bands will be chosen by an impartial selection committee through a blind listening process – no names or information about band members will be presented to the panel.
2. All bands will be notified of their status by July 29. If your band is selected you will be required to sign an agreement committing to perform at the event. Alternate bands will be selected in the event that primary bands are unable to appear due to an emergency. Alternate bands must also sign an agreement.

Volunteer Now!

Volunteer NOW to help with the 7th Annual SkaterAid event on Sunday September 25 2011!  

Contact Cathy Keeler at  to sign up.

Call For Bands - SkaterAid 2010

Auditions are currently being held for bands to play the 6th annual SkaterAid festival in Decatur, Georgia. We are looking for raw talent - no gigging experience necessary - just a passion to play. All genres will be considered. Bands will play for charity, donating their time and talent to SkaterAid and the Brain Tumor Foundation for Children (

SkaterAid auditions: Info and Requirements:

1. Your audition is considered a commitment to appear. You must be able to perform at the SkaterAid event on Sunday, September 26 in Decatur, Georgia between the hours of 2:00 and 7:00pm, Eastern time.

2. SkaterAid is a teen event. ALL band members MUST be 18 years old or younger, or enrolled full-time in high school or middle school. All band members are expected to secure parental agreement and support for their appearance at SkaterAid.

3. Sound support will be provided at the event.

4. SkaterAid bands will be featured in publicity including newspapers, magazines, posters, flyers and T-shirts sold at the event. A limited amount of publicity material will be made available to band members prior to the event for distribution to their fan base.


1. Deadline for submission: July 2, 2010

2. Submit an MP3 of your work by the deadline to . Myspace links will not be considered. You can also send a CD to:
SkaterAid Auditions

One sample per band only, please. If your CD contains more than one song, please indicate a single song that you would like us to consider for your audition. Samples cannot be returned.
3. Supply the name of your band, names and ages of band members and the instruments each plays, and the name of your school(s). Be sure to supply an e-mail address and mobile number of a primary contact for your band

Judging Process
1. Bands will be chosen by an impartial selection committee through a blind listening process – no names or information about band members will be presented to the panel.
2. All bands will be notified of their status by Sunday, July 25. If your band is selected you will be required to sign an agreement committing to perform at the event. Alternate bands will be selected in the event that primary bands are unable to appear due to an emergency. Alternate bands must also sign an agreement.

SkaterAid 2010

Mark your calendar for SkaterAid 2010, coming to East Decatur Station on Sunday, September 26. We'll have new bands, fabulous art, and more skating than ever before. We are actively recruiting bands, artists and volunteers, so if you're interested, please see our Contact Us page and send us an e-mail. And keep checking back...we'll have more info for you soon.

SkaterAid 2009: Creative Loafing Video


Great video of SkaterAid 2009 from Atlanta Hates Us!

Decks On Display at Brick Store Pub

Skateboard deck art is now on display at the Brick Store Pub in Decatur, Georgia. The Brick Store is located on East Ponce De Leon directly on the courthouse square. Come by the Brick Store for lunch, dinner or a beer - the Brick Store is world famous for it's stunning array of ales, lagers, stouts, pilsners and more from around the world.

Deck art will be auctioned off at SkaterAid on September 27.


1. School Of Rock:
An all-star lineup from Atlanta's rock and roll bootcamp. "These guys sound like they can really get a crowd going."

2. Governor General:
A Decatur High band with "really cool sonics and an interesting soundscape."

3. Highway:
Three-time SkaterAid alums from Lakeside High, with "great energyand fabulous lead vocals."

4. PhoneyBones:
Containing former members of Rhinodust. this is an "unbelievable" Decatur High Band with "great layering and a gift for improvisation."


SkaterAid 2008 was a record breaking year! We had more skaters, more volunteers, more art, more bidders, more press coverage and more participants than ever before! Check back for final numbers, but it's safe to say we raised an unprecedented amount of money for The Brain Tumor Foundation for Children. On behalf of the SkaterAid team, we'd like to thank our wonderful sponsors, our tireless volunteers and all the friends of SkaterAid who made the event such a huge success. Special thanks to:

The Brick Store Pub - Kelly Turner, Carol Blanchard, Dave Blanchard, and all the rest of the generous people at this venerable establishment. Support your local Brick Store!

All the establishments at East Decatur Station, who put up with us every year.

Patty O'Keefe Hutton - our fabulous auction coordinator who took the deck auction to dizzying heights of success! Also Rahim and Amir Carlock, and James Way, who built the "gallery".

Thomas Taylor of Stratosphere Skateshop, who built the ramps, hosted the skate shows, brought in the skaters (including surprise guests Element and Grant Taylor), and MADE IT HAPPEN!

Our extraordinary sound man, Jack Brantley, our emcee, Jeff "Load" Stephenson, and our awesome bands - The Chicago Joe Jones Band, Zone Six featuring Tom P, Rhinodust and Highway.

And many many more extraordinary, generous people who make this the amazing event that it is.

Check it out...





WOW! A 62% increase over last year! Thanks to all who donated to the Brain Tumor Foundation for Children through SkaterAid 2008. Your generosity has really made all the difference.


Check our PHOTOS page for 17 new decks!

Check our PERFORMANCES page for a new band lineup.

Deck Show Opens at the Brick Store on Sun. Aug. 31!

See this years decks in the PHOTOS link on this website. More photos coming soon. Bidding for these gorgeous, one-of-a-kind pieces of art will happen at SkaterAid on Sunday, Sept. 21.

The Skate Deck Exhibit will hang at The Brick Store Pub for three weeks. On September 21 the decks will move to the Skater Aid event, where bids will be taken all day. Bidding will close at 8pm.

Call for Volunteers!

Volunteers needed for the fourth annual SkaterAid event! We need people to help with setup, cleanup, ticket management, event management, and other essential duties. If you can volunteer a few hours of your time to SkaterAid, contact Laura Deming at

Band Lineup Finalized!

No schedule yet, but we have all our bands in place - looks like it's going to be a great year!

Chicago Joe Jones Band. This is Chicago Joe's fourth year with SkaterAid. Blues musician extraordinaire, you can catch Joe and his band at Maddy's. Joe also teaches guitar at Midtown Music, and has been "instrumental" (sorry) in getting some of other bands their start.

Highway. From Lakeside High, this band blew us all away at SkaterAid 2007. This year, they'll be even better.

George Pettis. A graduate of Decatur High School, George is already a veteran musician. Multi-instrumentalist, lyricist, arranger, and vocalist, George is a talent not to be missed. This will be George's third appearance at SkaterAid.

Rhinodust. From Decatur High, this band includes several musicians from bands you may be familiar with, like Bluberry Wave, Perfect Orange, and Film. Come to SkaterAid to check out their latest configuration.

Zone Six featuring Tom P. A hip-hop duo featuring a Decatur High alum, this group brings a new dimension to the SkaterAid stage.

Don't forget to swing by The Brick Store Pub at the end of the month for the kickoff of the annual SkaterAid Deck Auction! This year it will be bigger and better than ever. Watch for more info, coming soon.

SkaterAid Returns For A Fourth Year!

Mark you calendar for SkaterAid 2008, coming to East Decatur Station on Sunday, September 21! We'll have some great bands, gorgeous art, and more skating than ever before. We are actively recruiting bands, artists and volunteers, so if you're interested, please see our Contact Us page and send us an e-mail. And keep checking back...we'll have more info for you soon.

NEW DECKS ADDED! - September 10, 2008

Check out the PHOTOS page for 17 more decks to bid on at SkaterAid!

NOTE: NEW BAND SCHEDULE! Check our performances page for an update.

SkaterAid 3 A Huge Success! - September 17, 2007

Thanks to all the skaters, musicians, artists, fans, volunteers, parents, kids, dogs and neighbors that supported SkaterAid 2007! The weather was perfect and we couldn't have asked for more. Over 700 people attended SkaterAid 2007, including over 80 volunteers. The event generated $11,630, $461.00 more than the 2006 event. A hearfelt thanks to everyone that contributed, volunteered, made music, designed a deck, skated and partied. Your participation in SkaterAid keeps the event alive, and through it, our memories of Ian. See you on Sept. 21 2008!

Please send photos and video to for our records and possible inclusion on the website.

We'd like to hear your comments! Please post a note through the Guestbook and let us hear from you.

T-Shirts Are In! - September 13, 2007

And they look great. New this year - tank tops! Get yours at SkaterAid for $15

SkaterAid Makes The Paper - September 11, 2007

Take a look at the AJC to find a great story about SkaterAid. It's in the Living section on the News For Kids page, on Tuesday 9/11. We've also been featured in The Champion, The Neighbor and the Decatur Focus. Thanks to all these publications for helping to promoet SkaterAid!
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